Hair on Purpose Conference 2017

Do you want to know everything about natural hair?

Are You or do you know young girls between 10-18 that want to know about natural hair?

"The HairOnPurpose Conference is a one day powerful conference created to engage, educate, and empower girls between the ages of 10-18! This year's theme: The Eye of the Beholder is an ode to each participant's ability to not only recognize their own beauty but the power of  embracing themselves from head to toe!"

Source: supports the HaironPurpose Conference 2017.

Join in their mission to support our young beautiful queens
as they learn to embrace their crown and their glory!

Click HERE or copy the link below to donate and show your support Today!


Embrace your community!

Embrace your Hair!

Embrace your Purpose!

Staying Focused on Your Purpose

This morning, I was struggling with planning an event. This is literally the largest project for NCJ thus far. Things that I plan often times take longer than expected due to my lack of focus and tendency to get overwhelmed with other projects. Don't weary in good doing, Right? Weary, or worry, will make you lose focus on the real goal. PURPOSE. Realign your thoughts to match the emotion you want to achieve. Align your daily tasks to achieve the goal you want. After reading a great excerpt from the amazing beauty, @CurlyNikki, How I Found My Purpose and Meaning for LifeI was able to get a little boost knowing that we all go through it. Reset. Realign. Refocus.

Figure out the little step before you make the big leap. 

Tunnel Vision

I reiterated my reading with a little blend of fashion and purpose. As I looked for images to fit this post, I found @yorubadgirl's piece on Tunnel Vision, where she spoke on limiting distractions to focus on your goals. Not only did her beauty stand out among all other images, her words spoke directly to my focus for today. "I have to truly focus on my goals and remove all distractions."  In her bright white, she illuminates a gorgeous look. Often times taking a moment to just get a little dressed up (even when you are working on your own things) helps you re-brand your mind and your view of where you are in life. The point is make yourself feel good and everyone else will see your confidence. Focus on yourself and your goals. Everyone else will follow your lead. 

"I have to truly focus on my goals and remove all distractions."


Deleting Distractions , so you can Focus!

"Don't forsake your lane for mine."


- TD Jakes




I finished up my focus session (I like that name) with a sermon from TD Jakes. Awesome words that resonated with me instantly. The title, Deleting Distractions, so you can Focus! clearly speaks to the viewer that is seeking answers to the reasons their goals or aspirations have not come to full fruition. "Stop spreading your self so thin and focus," stated Jakes as he dives into the deeper reasons we have not reached our full potential. You may be seeking a level of success that you are not prepared for. You may feel that you do not measure up to your own opinion of greatness, but the best part here is that You are your own judge. While everyone else is doing their thing., you must stay focused on yours. Imitation is not a means to success. "Don't forsake your lane for mine." Deep! You merely just have to be a great YOU! 

